Helping digitalise SIKO koupelny
In 2019, SIKO took the decision to completely revamp their e-shop, migrating away from Sitecore and instead opting to use several SAP-based technologies.
During development, SIKO were severely let down by the partners they'd trusted to manage the process, leaving them with a barely functional website.
It was during this difficult time that SIKO and ACTUM Digital created a strong partnership that would see the creation of a new e-commerce site and a revamping of SIKO’s approach to software development.
SIKO had a clear vision of what they were looking to achieve by working with ACTUM Digital.
Firstly, SIKO wanted to stabilize the website and get on par with former solution. Once completed a managed development roadmap had to be established to satisfy the needs of the customers on B2C websites in 3 countries.
Furthermore, the need for hyperpersnalized communication led to implementation of Bloomreach Engagement platform.
Finally, SIKO aimed to future-proof their operations so that they could avoid finding themselves in similar situations further down the line.
In three years of co-operation, SIKO has been able to:
Completely revamp every aspect of their online operation, including UX, web analytics and SEO whilst also automating marketing activities using Bloomreach DXP.
Re-establish a high degree of confidence and trust in the technology they rely on across the organisation.
Support their expansion into the Hungarian market with a fully internal development and support team sourced by ACTUM Digital.
Services Involved
Technologies Involved
“Together with the ACTUM Digital team we are successfully managing our digital transformation process. It was a big step for us, working with an external partner and building up a remote team while maintaining operational effectiveness. Thank you ACTUM for continuing the great work!”
YOY revenue growth of the e-shop in 2020
Share of the e-shop in total retail sales of bathrooms
2 years
of successful continuous development to deliver business goals